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Control Your Blood Sugar

With MDChronic’s easy diabetes care and management programs, keep your chronic diabetes condition in check.

Control Your Blood Sugar
Empower Your Diabetes Control Journey With Our Unique Care Programs

Chronic diabetes can pave a way to many other health problems and may ruin your physical and emotional health. To help manage and keep your diabetes in control, MDChronic has come up with online diabetes care programs that can make diabetes control easier and manageable for individuals from all age groups.
With a dedicated online diabetes coach and easy to use smart devices, we are here to help your live healthier and happier.

Personalized Diabetes Care Plans

We know each patient is different, and so their needs. That’s why we formulate a unique care plan for you.

Dedicated Health Coach

To ensure you receive the right support to overcome your diabetes, we’ll assign you a dedicated health coach.

Monitoring, Guidance, & Support

We know that managing your blood sugar requires a lot of efforts, that’s why we’ll manage your meals and routine.

When Do You Need To Consult MDChronic?

The severity of your blood sugar level determines the symptoms of diabetes. Some people may not exhibit symptoms, particularly if they have type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, or prediabetes. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes are typically more severe and appear more soon.

  • Feeling thirstier than normal
  • Frequent urination
  • Losing weight
  • Ketones are present in the urine
  • Feeling weak and exhausted
  • Experiencing mood swings
  • Having hazy vision
  • Having sores that don't heal quickly
  • Frequent vaginal, skin, and mouth infections
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should seek an online diabetes consultation with our health provider right away.
When do you need to consult MDChronic
Online Diabetes Treatment Programs

Online Diabetes Treatment Programs

Control Blood Sugar
Control Blood Sugar

Our providers diagnose, monitor and treat chronic diabetes and are focused on controlling its further progress.

Better Quality of Life
Better Quality of Life

No need to prick your finger to check glucose levels and no fussier eating with our blood sugar control guidance.

Improve Physical & Mental Wellness
Improve Physical & Mental Wellness

Pave a way to a healthy life and improve your physical and mental wellness with personalized diabetes control plans.

Reduce Diabetes Related Complications
Reduce Diabetes Related Complications

Diabetes is often the cause behind other illnesses. Our online diabetes treatment is focused on keeping them in check.

Ready-to-use Smart Devices to Track Your Blood Sugar

Two Continuous Glucose Monitors

Two Continuous Glucose Monitors

Keep a check on your glucose levels and monitor your progress

  • Easily monitor glucose levels 24/7
  • Track your health progress
  • Reduce finger sticks with a small sensor on your upper arm

Blood Glucose Meter

Blood Glucose Meter

Track sugar levels 24/7 and its impact on your mood and body

  • Comes connected to your account
  • Seamless tracking
  • Personalized feedback

members meet our A1C reduction goals in program


of members meet our A1C reduction goals in program

members are satisfied with our care programs


of members are satisfied with our care programs

Why Choose MDChronic For Diabetes Consultation?

MDChronic is an online platform that helps patients and organizations who are having trouble managing their diabetes and reaching their health care objectives. It is possible to integrate our platform with your current systems without implementing any lengthy procedures to get up and running quickly.
We’ll help you lose weight, reduce stress, and manage glucose levels. You'll learn how to make tiny, sustainable adjustments at your own speed to live a healthier, more energetic life with the help of a committed care team and smart devices that track your progress.


Frequently Asked Questions

Diabetes is a long-term illness where the body fails to convert food into energy. The body either uses insulin inefficiently or does not create enough of it in diabetics. This results in either too high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or too low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia).
Diabetes comes in four major types, namely Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes.
Diabetes is treated by closely monitoring your blood sugar levels and using a combination of medicine, food, and exercise to keep them within the range your doctor has specified.
A diabetes care plan is a written prescription that details the medications and foods to take, when to take them, how much to eat, and how to take them.